Tuesday, July 1, 2008

History Channel Reaches New Lows

A few years ago I used to hear people complain that the History Channel was all WWII documentaries and little else. Then they started varying their programming, which made me happy, even though I'm a total WWII buff. I was working the night shift and documentaries about this or that used to keep me sane. Then they started their series, like Lost Cities and Modern Marvels. These shows I find to be... eh. So-so. Now they've got things like 'Tougher in Alaska,' about truckers and oil men, and I'm still trying to figure out what they have to do with history.

Tonight I find my bewilderment at their lineup has been renewed. On right now is a program called 'Modern Marvels: Bathroom Technology.' On next (and I'm not making this up): something called 'All About Dung: The Historical Significance of Excrement.' A two-hour special, on from 1AM to 3AM.

I'd like to see them advertising that on their billboard in the Bronx.

That said, many of you know I'm a repository of all sorts of useless information. Tonight I've learned a new fact. Did you know that most toilets flush in the key of E flat?

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