Friday, July 11, 2008

A compendium...

.... of my favorite conversations this year with various family members, or as I like to think of them, blog fodder.

Convo 1, with father:

Dad: You made your bed this morning.
Me: Yes...
Dad: Are you feeling okay?

Convo 2, with stepmother:

Stepmother: You know what I noticed this week? Every Wednesday at 9PM, the local radio station becomes a homo station.
Me: A what?
Stepmother: A homo station! They play their music and have their programs for a whole hour!
Me: Is that right.
Stepmother: So, do you think they're born like that?
Me: Yes.

Convo 3, with sister via telephone:

Sister: Well, you know how I feel about the... (whispering) G-A-Y thing.
Me: Oh. You mean the thing about how I like to fuck women? That thing?
Sister: ...Must you be so coarse?

Convo 4, with big brother:

Big brother: Let's get manicures.
Me: I don't want a manicure. I don't like them.
Big brother: Stop being ridiculous. They're fun.
Me: They hurt!
Big brother: What's wrong with you? Just get a frigging manicure!
Me: (Running ahead) No! Leave me alone!

Convo 5, with niece, while playing this game:

Me: Chicken robot!
Niece: ...It go bok-bok.

Convo(?) 6, with tiny niece:

Me: (Picking up tiny neice) Come here cutie.
Tiny niece: (Snuggles up to me and then tries to chew my face, because she is teething and chews on everything.)

1 comment:

  1. You just got a 44 y/o woman to build a chicken robot. :)

    I came across your blog during a google search for the stages of PMS and am glad I stayed to read your other posts. You're very bright and clever. I enjoyed the outloud laugh some of your posts gave me. I needed it today.
