Thursday, July 14, 2011

Another gem

German is an inflected language. The endings of nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc are key to understanding what they mean in a sentence. This is very nuanced, and there has been a lot of information to absorb, and I find that I haven't *quite* got the hang of it yet. So there have been a few mishaps. Here's my fave from yesterday.

Chapter 18, exercise sentence 6:
Wenn eine Biene ein Feld mit vielen Blüten entdeckt hat, teilt sie dies den anderen Bienen in ihrem Stock mit, indem sie einen eigenartigen Tanz ausführt.

The correct translation:
When a bee discovers many flowers in a field, it communicates this to other bees in its hive by doing an unusual dance.

My first attempt:
When a bee in a field has discovered many flowers, he shares them with the other bees in his hive, resulting in a weird and peculiar dance.


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