Sunday, March 9, 2008

Times when I'm glad my gay big brother is around

So last night, my father, my brother and I were watching Bride and Prejudice, an Indian version of Pride and Prejudice directed and written by the same lady who did Bend it Like Beckham.

It was cute, but we had a moment when there was a scene where the dweeby but rich Indian guy was bemoaning the lack of good women in America. It struck a chord because I was supposed to have stayed in Pakistan, gone to medical school, and done the arranged marriage thing. The fact that I am here now is the result of two years of kicking and screaming when I was a teenager. The line went:

"You know, in US, they [foreign-born Indian girls] are all too outspoken and career-oriented. And some have even turned... into the lesbian!"

You could have heard a pin drop. Boy was I glad my brother was in the room.

1 comment:

  1. I can just picture the silence :)yaaahhh...The great silent moments with parents...Reminds me of when I was a little girl and used to voluntarily run out of the room when there would be a love scene and mom and I were watching it. All of sudden I had "to get something in the kitchen" and would just run out. They should make an Indian film "Bride in denial" or better yet "Parents - ignorance is bliss" Those would be quite interesting to make...
